1.天皇の前の将軍.2.将軍の行進/(1.The Tycoon before the Emperor. 2.Procession of the Tycoon)
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  • 1.天皇の前の将軍.2.将軍の行進/(1.The Tycoon before the Emperor. 2.Procession of the Tycoon)

1.天皇の前の将軍.2.将軍の行進/(1.The Tycoon before the Emperor. 2.Procession of the Tycoon)


caption 1.天皇の前の将軍.2.将軍の行進/(1.The Tycoon before the Emperor. 2.Procession of the Tycoon)
book title 日本:帝国の歴史,政府,役人たちの素描
author ディクソン/(Dickson, Walter G.)
year 1869
Library Number DS/841/Di
author 000211714
GID GB007002
PhotoCD no.