芝(増上寺)の手水鉢,上方に花綱のついた掛け布が色彩と金で描かれた一本石の柱とともに/(The water-tank at Shiba, with its monolith columns, on the tops of which festooned drapery in colours and gold is painted)
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  • 芝(増上寺)の手水鉢,上方に花綱のついた掛け布が色彩と金で描かれた一本石の柱とともに/(The water-tank at Shiba, with its monolith columns, on the tops of which festooned drapery in colours and gold is painted)

芝(増上寺)の手水鉢,上方に花綱のついた掛け布が色彩と金で描かれた一本石の柱とともに/(The water-tank at Shiba, with its monolith columns, on the tops of which festooned drapery in colours and gold is painted)
