将軍徳川家光の神社の天井.1681年に上野の寺院とともに建てられた.Aは交差する部材の断面を示す.Bは交差部の装飾すべてを示す/(A ceiling in the shrine of the Shogun Tokugawa Iyemitsu. It was built in the year 1681 in connexion with the Buddhist temple at Uyeno. A. gives the section of crossing members. B. gives the ornament at the crossings complete.)
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  • 将軍徳川家光の神社の天井.1681年に上野の寺院とともに建てられた.Aは交差する部材の断面を示す.Bは交差部の装飾すべてを示す/(A ceiling in the shrine of the Shogun Tokugawa Iyemitsu. It was built in the year 1681 in connexion with the Buddhist temple at Uyeno. A. gives the section of crossing members. B. gives the ornament at the crossings complete.)

将軍徳川家光の神社の天井.1681年に上野の寺院とともに建てられた.Aは交差する部材の断面を示す.Bは交差部の装飾すべてを示す/(A ceiling in the shrine of the Shogun Tokugawa Iyemitsu. It was built in the year 1681 in connexion with the Buddhist temple at Uyeno. A. gives the section of crossing members. B. gives the ornament at the crossings complete.)


caption 将軍徳川家光の神社の天井.1681年に上野の寺院とともに建てられた.Aは交差する部材の断面を示す.Bは交差部の装飾すべてを示す/(A ceiling in the shrine of the Shogun Tokugawa Iyemitsu. It was built in the year 1681 in connexion with the Buddhist temple at Uyeno. A. gives the section of crossing members. B. gives the ornament at the crossings complete.)
book title 日本:その建築,美術,工芸
author ドレッサー/(Dresser, Christopher, 1834-1904)
year 1882
Library Number NK/1071/Dr
author 000121327
GID GB015005
PhotoCD no.