仏教の蓮の小枝を模して彫られた物.仏陀は母のために祈るとき手にこれを持つと言われる/(Object carved in imitation of a spray of the buddhist lotus. Buddha is said to hold this in his hand when he prays for his mother.)
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  • 仏教の蓮の小枝を模して彫られた物.仏陀は母のために祈るとき手にこれを持つと言われる/(Object carved in imitation of a spray of the buddhist lotus. Buddha is said to hold this in his hand when he prays for his mother.)

仏教の蓮の小枝を模して彫られた物.仏陀は母のために祈るとき手にこれを持つと言われる/(Object carved in imitation of a spray of the buddhist lotus. Buddha is said to hold this in his hand when he prays for his mother.)


caption 仏教の蓮の小枝を模して彫られた物.仏陀は母のために祈るとき手にこれを持つと言われる/(Object carved in imitation of a spray of the buddhist lotus. Buddha is said to hold this in his hand when he prays for his mother.)
book title 日本:その建築,美術,工芸
author ドレッサー/(Dresser, Christopher, 1834-1904)
year 1882
Library Number NK/1071/Dr
author 000121327
GID GB015007
PhotoCD no.