木製の柄のついた真鍮の容器.我々が聖餐式で細口瓶を用いるのと同じように神道の秘跡に用いられる/(Brazen vessel with wooden handle. Used at the Shinto sacrament as we use the flagon at our holy communion)
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  • 木製の柄のついた真鍮の容器.我々が聖餐式で細口瓶を用いるのと同じように神道の秘跡に用いられる/(Brazen vessel with wooden handle. Used at the Shinto sacrament as we use the flagon at our holy communion)

木製の柄のついた真鍮の容器.我々が聖餐式で細口瓶を用いるのと同じように神道の秘跡に用いられる/(Brazen vessel with wooden handle. Used at the Shinto sacrament as we use the flagon at our holy communion)


caption 木製の柄のついた真鍮の容器.我々が聖餐式で細口瓶を用いるのと同じように神道の秘跡に用いられる/(Brazen vessel with wooden handle. Used at the Shinto sacrament as we use the flagon at our holy communion)
book title 日本:その建築,美術,工芸
author ドレッサー/(Dresser, Christopher, 1834-1904)
year 1882
Library Number NK/1071/Dr
author 000121327
GID GB015020
PhotoCD no.