故山地中将,中国との戦争の間の第1師団長/(The late lieut. - General Yamaji, commander of the first division during the war with China)
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  • 故山地中将,中国との戦争の間の第1師団長/(The late lieut. - General Yamaji, commander of the first division during the war with China)

故山地中将,中国との戦争の間の第1師団長/(The late lieut. - General Yamaji, commander of the first division during the war with China)


caption 故山地中将,中国との戦争の間の第1師団長/(The late lieut. - General Yamaji, commander of the first division during the war with China)
book title 日本−変遷の中で
author ランサム/(Ransome, Stafford, 1860-1931)
year 1899
Library Number DS/882/Ra
author 000188987
GID GC041041
PhotoCD no. 300050