新しい日本:日本赤十字社の婦人支部協議会の集会を統轄される皇后陛下,負傷者の包帯つくり<1895>,久保田米僊画/(New Japan. Her Majesty the Empress presiding at a meeting of the Council of the Ladies' Branch of the Red Cross Society of Japan. Making bandages for the wounded (1895). Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)
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  • 新しい日本:日本赤十字社の婦人支部協議会の集会を統轄される皇后陛下,負傷者の包帯つくり<1895>,久保田米僊画/(New Japan. Her Majesty the Empress presiding at a meeting of the Council of the Ladies' Branch of the Red Cross Society of Japan. Making bandages for the wounded (1895). Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)

新しい日本:日本赤十字社の婦人支部協議会の集会を統轄される皇后陛下,負傷者の包帯つくり<1895>,久保田米僊画/(New Japan. Her Majesty the Empress presiding at a meeting of the Council of the Ladies' Branch of the Red Cross Society of Japan. Making bandages for the wounded (1895). Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)


caption 新しい日本:日本赤十字社の婦人支部協議会の集会を統轄される皇后陛下,負傷者の包帯つくり<1895>,久保田米僊画/(New Japan. Her Majesty the Empress presiding at a meeting of the Council of the Ladies' Branch of the Red Cross Society of Japan. Making bandages for the wounded (1895). Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)
book title 新・極東
author ディオシー/(Diosy, Arthur)
year 1860
Library Number DS/760/Ol
author 000292532
GID GD025010
PhotoCD no.