太平洋に向かってほぼ真東をながめる.紋織絹の着物を着た婦人は人力車に乗っている.これを曳く人足(人力車夫)は大体は非常に筋骨たくましい男である/(Looking out almost due east to the Pacific. The lady dressed in a kimono of figured silk is riding in a jinriksha. The coolies who draw these are generally very muscular fellows.)
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  • 太平洋に向かってほぼ真東をながめる.紋織絹の着物を着た婦人は人力車に乗っている.これを曳く人足(人力車夫)は大体は非常に筋骨たくましい男である/(Looking out almost due east to the Pacific. The lady dressed in a kimono of figured silk is riding in a jinriksha. The coolies who draw these are generally very muscular fellows.)

太平洋に向かってほぼ真東をながめる.紋織絹の着物を着た婦人は人力車に乗っている.これを曳く人足(人力車夫)は大体は非常に筋骨たくましい男である/(Looking out almost due east to the Pacific. The lady dressed in a kimono of figured silk is riding in a jinriksha. The coolies who draw these are generally very muscular fellows.)


caption 太平洋に向かってほぼ真東をながめる.紋織絹の着物を着た婦人は人力車に乗っている.これを曳く人足(人力車夫)は大体は非常に筋骨たくましい男である/(Looking out almost due east to the Pacific. The lady dressed in a kimono of figured silk is riding in a jinriksha. The coolies who draw these are generally very muscular fellows.)
book title 日本の物と風景
author ホランド(ホラント/ホーランド)/(Holland, Clive, 1866-1959)
year 1908
Library Number DS/809/Ho
author 000064493
GID GD070008
PhotoCD no.