塩谷の墓前:一門の者の最後の敬意(焼香ノ場)/(Before the tomb of Yenya : the last homage of the clansmen.)
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  • 塩谷の墓前:一門の者の最後の敬意(焼香ノ場)/(Before the tomb of Yenya : the last homage of the clansmen.)

塩谷の墓前:一門の者の最後の敬意(焼香ノ場)/(Before the tomb of Yenya : the last homage of the clansmen.)


caption 塩谷の墓前:一門の者の最後の敬意(焼香ノ場)/(Before the tomb of Yenya : the last homage of the clansmen.)
book title 忠臣蔵,すなわち忠誠な同盟(仮名手本忠臣蔵)
author ディキンズ/(Dickins, F. Victor (Frederick Victor), 1838-1915)
year 1880
Library Number PL/794/Ta
author 000051151
GID GG030031
PhotoCD no. C018082