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- インディアンに奇襲され殺された兵士の骸骨の発見/(Discovery of the skeletons of soldiers who had been surprised and killed by Indians.)
インディアンに奇襲され殺された兵士の骸骨の発見/(Discovery of the skeletons of soldiers who had been surprised and killed by Indians.)
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caption | : | インディアンに奇襲され殺された兵士の骸骨の発見/(Discovery of the skeletons of soldiers who had been surprised and killed by Indians.) |
note | : | |
book title | : | 絵入り旅行記:発見,地理,冒険の記録 (第1巻) |
author | : | ベイツ(ベーツ)/(Bates, Henry Walter, 1825-1892) |
year | : | [1869?] |
Library Number | : | G/161/Ba |
author | : | 000152934 |
GID | : | GG043161 |
PhotoCD no. | : | 319063 |