高砂ノ浦.高砂の精,住吉の精,鶴と亀,長命の象徴<播州高砂ノ浦>/(Takasago ono ura - The Spirit of Takasago, The Spirit of Sumiyoshi, a crane and a tortoise, embles of longevity, to face Appendix.)
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  • 高砂ノ浦.高砂の精,住吉の精,鶴と亀,長命の象徴<播州高砂ノ浦>/(Takasago ono ura - The Spirit of Takasago, The Spirit of Sumiyoshi, a crane and a tortoise, embles of longevity, to face Appendix.)

高砂ノ浦.高砂の精,住吉の精,鶴と亀,長命の象徴<播州高砂ノ浦>/(Takasago ono ura - The Spirit of Takasago, The Spirit of Sumiyoshi, a crane and a tortoise, embles of longevity, to face Appendix.)
