孝安天皇の時代,神々が太陽の女神を外へ連れ出した時,正午12時に真夜中のように暗くなった/(EP.P128. In Koan Tenno's Time, at twelve oclock mid day, it became as dark as midnight, when the Gods Divine to Bring the Sun Goddess Forth,)
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  • 孝安天皇の時代,神々が太陽の女神を外へ連れ出した時,正午12時に真夜中のように暗くなった/(EP.P128. In Koan Tenno's Time, at twelve oclock mid day, it became as dark as midnight, when the Gods Divine to Bring the Sun Goddess Forth,)

孝安天皇の時代,神々が太陽の女神を外へ連れ出した時,正午12時に真夜中のように暗くなった/(EP.P128. In Koan Tenno's Time, at twelve oclock mid day, it became as dark as midnight, when the Gods Divine to Bring the Sun Goddess Forth,)


caption 孝安天皇の時代,神々が太陽の女神を外へ連れ出した時,正午12時に真夜中のように暗くなった/(EP.P128. In Koan Tenno's Time, at twelve oclock mid day, it became as dark as midnight, when the Gods Divine to Bring the Sun Goddess Forth,)
book title 日本古代史の要約による図
author マクラウド(マックラウド)/(McLeod, N.)
year 1878
Library Number DS/837/Mc
author 000133991
GID GG074075
PhotoCD no. 336042