茶と菓子.農婦が料理している.枕.火鉢.燭台.飯茶碗.酒徳利/(Tea and cakes. Peasant woman cooking. Makoura, Hebashi. Candle-stick. Bowl of rice. Bottle of Sake.)
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  • 茶と菓子.農婦が料理している.枕.火鉢.燭台.飯茶碗.酒徳利/(Tea and cakes. Peasant woman cooking. Makoura, Hebashi. Candle-stick. Bowl of rice. Bottle of Sake.)

茶と菓子.農婦が料理している.枕.火鉢.燭台.飯茶碗.酒徳利/(Tea and cakes. Peasant woman cooking. Makoura, Hebashi. Candle-stick. Bowl of rice. Bottle of Sake.)


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caption 茶と菓子.農婦が料理している.枕.火鉢.燭台.飯茶碗.酒徳利/(Tea and cakes. Peasant woman cooking. Makoura, Hebashi. Candle-stick. Bowl of rice. Bottle of Sake.)
book title 芸術と産業における日本:日本の風俗習慣の一瞥とともに
author レガメ(レガメー)/(Regamey, Felix, 1844-1907)
year 1893
Library Number DS/821/Re
author 000137711
GID GH074058
PhotoCD no. 38092