融川,画家の名.法眼,卓越した画家に与えられる称号.下の符号は画家のしるし(花押?)/(U-kawa, the name of the painter; Ho-gan, a title of honour given to distinguished painters; the lower character is the mark of the painter.)
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  • 融川,画家の名.法眼,卓越した画家に与えられる称号.下の符号は画家のしるし(花押?)/(U-kawa, the name of the painter; Ho-gan, a title of honour given to distinguished painters; the lower character is the mark of the painter.)

融川,画家の名.法眼,卓越した画家に与えられる称号.下の符号は画家のしるし(花押?)/(U-kawa, the name of the painter; Ho-gan, a title of honour given to distinguished painters; the lower character is the mark of the painter.)
