右:斎藤子応需.中央:大日本九谷.左:内海吉造製.四角いしるし:陶山之印/(The right : Sai-to Si, Motone ni ozite. the centre : Dai Nip-pon, Ku-tani. the left : Wuchi-mi Kichi-zo, seisu. The square mark : the seal of Tozan, No in.)
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  • 右:斎藤子応需.中央:大日本九谷.左:内海吉造製.四角いしるし:陶山之印/(The right : Sai-to Si, Motone ni ozite. the centre : Dai Nip-pon, Ku-tani. the left : Wuchi-mi Kichi-zo, seisu. The square mark : the seal of Tozan, No in.)

右:斎藤子応需.中央:大日本九谷.左:内海吉造製.四角いしるし:陶山之印/(The right : Sai-to Si, Motone ni ozite. the centre : Dai Nip-pon, Ku-tani. the left : Wuchi-mi Kichi-zo, seisu. The square mark : the seal of Tozan, No in.)
