福禄寿/(No.435. Fuku. No.436. Roku. No.437. Jiu. The three words together are read Fuku-roku-jiu.)
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  • 福禄寿/(No.435. Fuku. No.436. Roku. No.437. Jiu. The three words together are read Fuku-roku-jiu.)

福禄寿/(No.435. Fuku. No.436. Roku. No.437. Jiu. The three words together are read Fuku-roku-jiu.)


caption 福禄寿/(No.435. Fuku. No.436. Roku. No.437. Jiu. The three words together are read Fuku-roku-jiu.)
book title 日本のしるしと印(印章)
author ボウズ/(Bowes, James Lord, 1834-1899)
year [1882]
Library Number CD/6243/Bo
author 000050773
GID GL008445
PhotoCD no. 127022