扶桑美国住上総卯之助斎.印は製作者芳川の印/(Fu-so, Mi. koku jiu. The three characters on the left ... mean that the maker was a native of Kazusa, and that his professional name was Usuke. The seal is that of Yoshikawa, the maker.)
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  • 扶桑美国住上総卯之助斎.印は製作者芳川の印/(Fu-so, Mi. koku jiu. The three characters on the left ... mean that the maker was a native of Kazusa, and that his professional name was Usuke. The seal is that of Yoshikawa, the maker.)

扶桑美国住上総卯之助斎.印は製作者芳川の印/(Fu-so, Mi. koku jiu. The three characters on the left ... mean that the maker was a native of Kazusa, and that his professional name was Usuke. The seal is that of Yoshikawa, the maker.)
