青銅を溶かすための溶銑炉(こしき)の典型.A.炉の下の部分.B.炉を囲む鉄の皿状のもの(たが).C,D,E.上の部分.F.羽口.G.湯出し口.H.送風機からの風を導く管.I.装入口/(Typical cupola furnace for melting bronze. A, lower segment of the furnace; B, iron pan inclosing the furnace; C, D, E, upper segments; F. twyer; G, tap-hole; H, pipe leading the blast from the blowing machine; I, charging.)
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  • 青銅を溶かすための溶銑炉(こしき)の典型.A.炉の下の部分.B.炉を囲む鉄の皿状のもの(たが).C,D,E.上の部分.F.羽口.G.湯出し口.H.送風機からの風を導く管.I.装入口/(Typical cupola furnace for melting bronze. A, lower segment of the furnace; B, iron pan inclosing the furnace; C, D, E, upper segments; F. twyer; G, tap-hole; H, pipe leading the blast from the blowing machine; I, charging.)

青銅を溶かすための溶銑炉(こしき)の典型.A.炉の下の部分.B.炉を囲む鉄の皿状のもの(たが).C,D,E.上の部分.F.羽口.G.湯出し口.H.送風機からの風を導く管.I.装入口/(Typical cupola furnace for melting bronze. A, lower segment of the furnace; B, iron pan inclosing the furnace; C, D, E, upper segments; F. twyer; G, tap-hole; H, pipe leading the blast from the blowing machine; I, charging.)


caption 青銅を溶かすための溶銑炉(こしき)の典型.A.炉の下の部分.B.炉を囲む鉄の皿状のもの(たが).C,D,E.上の部分.F.羽口.G.湯出し口.H.送風機からの風を導く管.I.装入口/(Typical cupola furnace for melting bronze. A, lower segment of the furnace; B, iron pan inclosing the furnace; C, D, E, upper segments; F. twyer; G, tap-hole; H, pipe leading the blast from the blowing machine; I, charging.)
book title 日本における青銅鋳造法
author ガウランド(ゴーランド)/(Gowland, William, 1842-1922)
Library Number NK/7984/Go
author 000769075
GID GM087013
PhotoCD no. 213091