可候<北斎>.芝居”忠臣蔵”<47人の浪人(四十七士)>の場面/(Kako (Hokusai). Scene from the play "Chushingura" (the forty-seven ronin).)
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  • 可候<北斎>.芝居”忠臣蔵”<47人の浪人(四十七士)>の場面/(Kako (Hokusai). Scene from the play "Chushingura" (the forty-seven ronin).)

可候<北斎>.芝居”忠臣蔵”<47人の浪人(四十七士)>の場面/(Kako (Hokusai). Scene from the play "Chushingura" (the forty-seven ronin).)


caption 可候<北斎>.芝居”忠臣蔵”<47人の浪人(四十七士)>の場面/(Kako (Hokusai). Scene from the play "Chushingura" (the forty-seven ronin).)
book title 日本の挿絵:日本における木版画と色摺り版画(浮世絵版画)の歴史
author ストレンジ/(Strange, Edward Fairbrother, 1862-1929)
year 1897
Library Number NE/771/St
author 000994251
GID GM141050
PhotoCD no. 260079