トループ氏の新潟地方の旅行の道筋を示す略地図.1870年6月7月/(Sketch map, showing the route taken by Mr. Troup in his tour through the Niigata district. in June and July, 1870.)
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  • トループ氏の新潟地方の旅行の道筋を示す略地図.1870年6月7月/(Sketch map, showing the route taken by Mr. Troup in his tour through the Niigata district. in June and July, 1870.)

トループ氏の新潟地方の旅行の道筋を示す略地図.1870年6月7月/(Sketch map, showing the route taken by Mr. Troup in his tour through the Niigata district. in June and July, 1870.)


caption トループ氏の新潟地方の旅行の道筋を示す略地図.1870年6月7月/(Sketch map, showing the route taken by Mr. Troup in his tour through the Niigata district. in June and July, 1870.)
book title トループ氏による日本旅行報告書,1870年6月16日から7月1日
author トループ/(Troup, J.)
year 1871
Library Number DS/809/Tr
author 001437789
GID GO019002
PhotoCD no. 369