蒔絵.硯箱,蝋石あるいは楽焼の釉を模した蒔絵.装飾は石や貝その他の象眼.笠翁流に基づく菊花と果実の花瓶と石片に生える蘭の植木鉢;内側は黒地に高蒔絵の飛雁.18世紀/(Lacquer. Suzuri-bako, lacquer to imitate Chinese figure stone (agalmatolite), or possibly the glaze of Raku pottery. ... vase with chrysanthemum flowers and berries, and a flower-pot with orchid growing on a piece of stone after the style Ritsuo; ... 18c.)
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  • 蒔絵.硯箱,蝋石あるいは楽焼の釉を模した蒔絵.装飾は石や貝その他の象眼.笠翁流に基づく菊花と果実の花瓶と石片に生える蘭の植木鉢;内側は黒地に高蒔絵の飛雁.18世紀/(Lacquer. Suzuri-bako, lacquer to imitate Chinese figure stone (agalmatolite), or possibly the glaze of Raku pottery. ... vase with chrysanthemum flowers and berries, and a flower-pot with orchid growing on a piece of stone after the style Ritsuo; ... 18c.)

蒔絵.硯箱,蝋石あるいは楽焼の釉を模した蒔絵.装飾は石や貝その他の象眼.笠翁流に基づく菊花と果実の花瓶と石片に生える蘭の植木鉢;内側は黒地に高蒔絵の飛雁.18世紀/(Lacquer. Suzuri-bako, lacquer to imitate Chinese figure stone (agalmatolite), or possibly the glaze of Raku pottery. ... vase with chrysanthemum flowers and berries, and a flower-pot with orchid growing on a piece of stone after the style Ritsuo; ... 18c.)


caption 蒔絵.硯箱,蝋石あるいは楽焼の釉を模した蒔絵.装飾は石や貝その他の象眼.笠翁流に基づく菊花と果実の花瓶と石片に生える蘭の植木鉢;内側は黒地に高蒔絵の飛雁.18世紀/(Lacquer. Suzuri-bako, lacquer to imitate Chinese figure stone (agalmatolite), or possibly the glaze of Raku pottery. ... vase with chrysanthemum flowers and berries, and a flower-pot with orchid growing on a piece of stone after the style Ritsuo; ... 18c.)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026024
PhotoCD no. 372