金工.太鼓形の銀の香炉,台付き,底は十字形;蓋の上に雄鶏と雌鳥がのっている.太鼓の端は竜と鳳凰の意匠の打出し彫.台には徳川の家紋.高さ18か4分の1インチ,18世紀/(Metal work. Koro in silver, shape of a drum, on a stand, the base forming a cross; the lid is surmounted by a cock and hen. The ends of the drum are in repousse work, with designs of the dragon and howo. On the stand is the Tokugawa crest ... 18c.)
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  • 金工.太鼓形の銀の香炉,台付き,底は十字形;蓋の上に雄鶏と雌鳥がのっている.太鼓の端は竜と鳳凰の意匠の打出し彫.台には徳川の家紋.高さ18か4分の1インチ,18世紀/(Metal work. Koro in silver, shape of a drum, on a stand, the base forming a cross; the lid is surmounted by a cock and hen. The ends of the drum are in repousse work, with designs of the dragon and howo. On the stand is the Tokugawa crest ... 18c.)

金工.太鼓形の銀の香炉,台付き,底は十字形;蓋の上に雄鶏と雌鳥がのっている.太鼓の端は竜と鳳凰の意匠の打出し彫.台には徳川の家紋.高さ18か4分の1インチ,18世紀/(Metal work. Koro in silver, shape of a drum, on a stand, the base forming a cross; the lid is surmounted by a cock and hen. The ends of the drum are in repousse work, with designs of the dragon and howo. On the stand is the Tokugawa crest ... 18c.)


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蒔絵.金蒔絵の香箪笥.3個の引出しがあり,1個に香のための13の箱,12は丸く1は長方形の箱が入っている.装飾は桜の名所吉野川上流の景;平蒔絵と高蒔絵,桜の木は金銀象眼.内側は見事な梨地.銀嵌込み.これは以前徳川家の物だった ... 8世紀初頭








caption 金工.太鼓形の銀の香炉,台付き,底は十字形;蓋の上に雄鶏と雌鳥がのっている.太鼓の端は竜と鳳凰の意匠の打出し彫.台には徳川の家紋.高さ18か4分の1インチ,18世紀/(Metal work. Koro in silver, shape of a drum, on a stand, the base forming a cross; the lid is surmounted by a cock and hen. The ends of the drum are in repousse work, with designs of the dragon and howo. On the stand is the Tokugawa crest ... 18c.)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026035
PhotoCD no. 372