金工.錬鉄に金銀象眼の円形飾り板.装飾はいろいろな金属の高浮彫の鈴と数珠を持つ仏僧,周囲はいろいろな幾何学模様の上に打出し彫の竜が取り囲んでいる;縁は切金の葡萄の葉と実の模様.直径22インチ,京都駒井の銘.19世紀/(Metal work. A round plaque in wrought iron, damascened in gold and silver. Decoration, in the centre Buddhist priests with a bell and string of beads ... surrounded with dragons ... the rim has a desigh of vine leaves and grapes ... Komai of Kyoto. 19c.)
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  • 金工.錬鉄に金銀象眼の円形飾り板.装飾はいろいろな金属の高浮彫の鈴と数珠を持つ仏僧,周囲はいろいろな幾何学模様の上に打出し彫の竜が取り囲んでいる;縁は切金の葡萄の葉と実の模様.直径22インチ,京都駒井の銘.19世紀/(Metal work. A round plaque in wrought iron, damascened in gold and silver. Decoration, in the centre Buddhist priests with a bell and string of beads ... surrounded with dragons ... the rim has a desigh of vine leaves and grapes ... Komai of Kyoto. 19c.)

金工.錬鉄に金銀象眼の円形飾り板.装飾はいろいろな金属の高浮彫の鈴と数珠を持つ仏僧,周囲はいろいろな幾何学模様の上に打出し彫の竜が取り囲んでいる;縁は切金の葡萄の葉と実の模様.直径22インチ,京都駒井の銘.19世紀/(Metal work. A round plaque in wrought iron, damascened in gold and silver. Decoration, in the centre Buddhist priests with a bell and string of beads ... surrounded with dragons ... the rim has a desigh of vine leaves and grapes ... Komai of Kyoto. 19c.)


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caption 金工.錬鉄に金銀象眼の円形飾り板.装飾はいろいろな金属の高浮彫の鈴と数珠を持つ仏僧,周囲はいろいろな幾何学模様の上に打出し彫の竜が取り囲んでいる;縁は切金の葡萄の葉と実の模様.直径22インチ,京都駒井の銘.19世紀/(Metal work. A round plaque in wrought iron, damascened in gold and silver. Decoration, in the centre Buddhist priests with a bell and string of beads ... surrounded with dragons ... the rim has a desigh of vine leaves and grapes ... Komai of Kyoto. 19c.)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026038
PhotoCD no. 372