金工.銀製の花瓶,高浮彫の銀の竜と鉄地にわずかな浮彫の雲;首は金銀の幾何学模様の平象眼といろいろな図案の七宝板で飾られている.高さ12インチ.一藤斎<工芸家の名>兼康正寿.19世紀/(Metal work. Vase, iron, silver dragon in high relief, with clouds in slight relief on the iron; the neck is decorated with flat inlay of diapers in gold and silver and plaques of enamel of various devices ... Ittosai ... Kaneyasu Masatoshi. 19c.)
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  • 金工.銀製の花瓶,高浮彫の銀の竜と鉄地にわずかな浮彫の雲;首は金銀の幾何学模様の平象眼といろいろな図案の七宝板で飾られている.高さ12インチ.一藤斎<工芸家の名>兼康正寿.19世紀/(Metal work. Vase, iron, silver dragon in high relief, with clouds in slight relief on the iron; the neck is decorated with flat inlay of diapers in gold and silver and plaques of enamel of various devices ... Ittosai ... Kaneyasu Masatoshi. 19c.)

金工.銀製の花瓶,高浮彫の銀の竜と鉄地にわずかな浮彫の雲;首は金銀の幾何学模様の平象眼といろいろな図案の七宝板で飾られている.高さ12インチ.一藤斎<工芸家の名>兼康正寿.19世紀/(Metal work. Vase, iron, silver dragon in high relief, with clouds in slight relief on the iron; the neck is decorated with flat inlay of diapers in gold and silver and plaques of enamel of various devices ... Ittosai ... Kaneyasu Masatoshi. 19c.)


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caption 金工.銀製の花瓶,高浮彫の銀の竜と鉄地にわずかな浮彫の雲;首は金銀の幾何学模様の平象眼といろいろな図案の七宝板で飾られている.高さ12インチ.一藤斎<工芸家の名>兼康正寿.19世紀/(Metal work. Vase, iron, silver dragon in high relief, with clouds in slight relief on the iron; the neck is decorated with flat inlay of diapers in gold and silver and plaques of enamel of various devices ... Ittosai ... Kaneyasu Masatoshi. 19c.)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026043
PhotoCD no. 372