酒徳利,瓢箪型の薩摩焼.装飾は彩色と金と七宝の菊;上部は濃い赤地に金の着物の図案と円形のパネルの中に鳳凰.高さ6か2分の1インチ.18世紀/(Sake bottle, Satsuma faience, gourd shap. Decoration, chrysanthemums in colours, gold, and enamel; the upper portion a textile design in gold on rich red ground, with the howo in circular panel. Height, 6 1/2", 18c.)
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  • 酒徳利,瓢箪型の薩摩焼.装飾は彩色と金と七宝の菊;上部は濃い赤地に金の着物の図案と円形のパネルの中に鳳凰.高さ6か2分の1インチ.18世紀/(Sake bottle, Satsuma faience, gourd shap. Decoration, chrysanthemums in colours, gold, and enamel; the upper portion a textile design in gold on rich red ground, with the howo in circular panel. Height, 6 1/2", 18c.)

酒徳利,瓢箪型の薩摩焼.装飾は彩色と金と七宝の菊;上部は濃い赤地に金の着物の図案と円形のパネルの中に鳳凰.高さ6か2分の1インチ.18世紀/(Sake bottle, Satsuma faience, gourd shap. Decoration, chrysanthemums in colours, gold, and enamel; the upper portion a textile design in gold on rich red ground, with the howo in circular panel. Height, 6 1/2", 18c.)


caption 酒徳利,瓢箪型の薩摩焼.装飾は彩色と金と七宝の菊;上部は濃い赤地に金の着物の図案と円形のパネルの中に鳳凰.高さ6か2分の1インチ.18世紀/(Sake bottle, Satsuma faience, gourd shap. Decoration, chrysanthemums in colours, gold, and enamel; the upper portion a textile design in gold on rich red ground, with the howo in circular panel. Height, 6 1/2", 18c.)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026050
PhotoCD no. 372