18世紀.二個の銀蓋付香炉.側面と蓋は徳川家の紋.これらの香炉は薩摩侯から徳川家の一人に贈られた,それにも家紋の装飾の付いた蒔絵の箱に入っている ... 薩摩焼の香炉.金と彩色で鳳凰と伝統的な模様;透彫と彫刻の牡丹の意匠の銀蓋 .../(18c. Two small koro, with lids in silver. On the side and the lids is the Tokugawa crest ... Enclosed in lacquer box, also decorated with crest. ... Koro in Satsuma faience, howo and conventional designs in gold and colours ... in a design of peonies ...)
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  • 18世紀.二個の銀蓋付香炉.側面と蓋は徳川家の紋.これらの香炉は薩摩侯から徳川家の一人に贈られた,それにも家紋の装飾の付いた蒔絵の箱に入っている ... 薩摩焼の香炉.金と彩色で鳳凰と伝統的な模様;透彫と彫刻の牡丹の意匠の銀蓋 .../(18c. Two small koro, with lids in silver. On the side and the lids is the Tokugawa crest ... Enclosed in lacquer box, also decorated with crest. ... Koro in Satsuma faience, howo and conventional designs in gold and colours ... in a design of peonies ...)

18世紀.二個の銀蓋付香炉.側面と蓋は徳川家の紋.これらの香炉は薩摩侯から徳川家の一人に贈られた,それにも家紋の装飾の付いた蒔絵の箱に入っている ... 薩摩焼の香炉.金と彩色で鳳凰と伝統的な模様;透彫と彫刻の牡丹の意匠の銀蓋 .../(18c. Two small koro, with lids in silver. On the side and the lids is the Tokugawa crest ... Enclosed in lacquer box, also decorated with crest. ... Koro in Satsuma faience, howo and conventional designs in gold and colours ... in a design of peonies ...)


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caption 18世紀.二個の銀蓋付香炉.側面と蓋は徳川家の紋.これらの香炉は薩摩侯から徳川家の一人に贈られた,それにも家紋の装飾の付いた蒔絵の箱に入っている ... 薩摩焼の香炉.金と彩色で鳳凰と伝統的な模様;透彫と彫刻の牡丹の意匠の銀蓋 .../(18c. Two small koro, with lids in silver. On the side and the lids is the Tokugawa crest ... Enclosed in lacquer box, also decorated with crest. ... Koro in Satsuma faience, howo and conventional designs in gold and colours ... in a design of peonies ...)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026052
PhotoCD no. 372