額,乾山粟田焼;装飾は単色で月夜の風景の粗描と小川の流れに映る月を歌った詩(短歌).乾山深省の銘<画家蒔絵師光琳の弟>;背に”1711年春求めに応じて作る,乾山深省”と記されている.13か4分の3x10か2分の1インチ/(Plaque, Kenzan Awata ware; decorated with a rude sketch of moonlight landscape in monochrome, and a poem on the reflection of the moon in a running stream. Signed Kenzan Shinsei (brother of Korin, painter and lacquerer) ... spring of 1711, Kenzan Shinsei.)
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  • 額,乾山粟田焼;装飾は単色で月夜の風景の粗描と小川の流れに映る月を歌った詩(短歌).乾山深省の銘<画家蒔絵師光琳の弟>;背に”1711年春求めに応じて作る,乾山深省”と記されている.13か4分の3x10か2分の1インチ/(Plaque, Kenzan Awata ware; decorated with a rude sketch of moonlight landscape in monochrome, and a poem on the reflection of the moon in a running stream. Signed Kenzan Shinsei (brother of Korin, painter and lacquerer) ... spring of 1711, Kenzan Shinsei.)

額,乾山粟田焼;装飾は単色で月夜の風景の粗描と小川の流れに映る月を歌った詩(短歌).乾山深省の銘<画家蒔絵師光琳の弟>;背に”1711年春求めに応じて作る,乾山深省”と記されている.13か4分の3x10か2分の1インチ/(Plaque, Kenzan Awata ware; decorated with a rude sketch of moonlight landscape in monochrome, and a poem on the reflection of the moon in a running stream. Signed Kenzan Shinsei (brother of Korin, painter and lacquerer) ... spring of 1711, Kenzan Shinsei.)


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caption 額,乾山粟田焼;装飾は単色で月夜の風景の粗描と小川の流れに映る月を歌った詩(短歌).乾山深省の銘<画家蒔絵師光琳の弟>;背に”1711年春求めに応じて作る,乾山深省”と記されている.13か4分の3x10か2分の1インチ/(Plaque, Kenzan Awata ware; decorated with a rude sketch of moonlight landscape in monochrome, and a poem on the reflection of the moon in a running stream. Signed Kenzan Shinsei (brother of Korin, painter and lacquerer) ... spring of 1711, Kenzan Shinsei.)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026054
PhotoCD no. 372