日本の古代の石器.石刀と種々雑多なもの.この図版全図実寸の半分の大きさ.1.刀に似た道具だが刃が鈍いので刀身の横断面はほとんど長円形.装飾あり.粘板岩.2.ほとんど1図と同種.3.柄に穴のある石剣.閃緑岩.おそらく珊瑚の化石の小さな棒が刀身を .../(Ancient stone implements of Japan. Sekito or stone-swords and miscellaneous objects. one half natural size. 1. An implement resembling a sword, but with so blunt an edge that the cross section of the blade would be nearly elliptical. Ornamented. ...)
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  • 日本の古代の石器.石刀と種々雑多なもの.この図版全図実寸の半分の大きさ.1.刀に似た道具だが刃が鈍いので刀身の横断面はほとんど長円形.装飾あり.粘板岩.2.ほとんど1図と同種.3.柄に穴のある石剣.閃緑岩.おそらく珊瑚の化石の小さな棒が刀身を .../(Ancient stone implements of Japan. Sekito or stone-swords and miscellaneous objects. one half natural size. 1. An implement resembling a sword, but with so blunt an edge that the cross section of the blade would be nearly elliptical. Ornamented. ...)

日本の古代の石器.石刀と種々雑多なもの.この図版全図実寸の半分の大きさ.1.刀に似た道具だが刃が鈍いので刀身の横断面はほとんど長円形.装飾あり.粘板岩.2.ほとんど1図と同種.3.柄に穴のある石剣.閃緑岩.おそらく珊瑚の化石の小さな棒が刀身を .../(Ancient stone implements of Japan. Sekito or stone-swords and miscellaneous objects. one half natural size. 1. An implement resembling a sword, but with so blunt an edge that the cross section of the blade would be nearly elliptical. Ornamented. ...)


caption 日本の古代の石器.石刀と種々雑多なもの.この図版全図実寸の半分の大きさ.1.刀に似た道具だが刃が鈍いので刀身の横断面はほとんど長円形.装飾あり.粘板岩.2.ほとんど1図と同種.3.柄に穴のある石剣.閃緑岩.おそらく珊瑚の化石の小さな棒が刀身を .../(Ancient stone implements of Japan. Sekito or stone-swords and miscellaneous objects. one half natural size. 1. An implement resembling a sword, but with so blunt an edge that the cross section of the blade would be nearly elliptical. Ornamented. ...)
book title 古代の石器に関する小論(日本大古石器考)
author カンダ タカヒラ ( 神田 孝平 )/(Kanda, Kohei)
year 1884
Library Number GN/434/Ka
author 001453786
GID GP002014
PhotoCD no. 380