A.銅製の砂鉢と木の盥(馬盥).B.置き花籠と掛け花籠/(Plate 27. A. Bronze sand-basins and wooden tubs. B. Standing and hooking flower baskets.)
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  • A.銅製の砂鉢と木の盥(馬盥).B.置き花籠と掛け花籠/(Plate 27. A. Bronze sand-basins and wooden tubs. B. Standing and hooking flower baskets.)

A.銅製の砂鉢と木の盥(馬盥).B.置き花籠と掛け花籠/(Plate 27. A. Bronze sand-basins and wooden tubs. B. Standing and hooking flower baskets.)


caption A.銅製の砂鉢と木の盥(馬盥).B.置き花籠と掛け花籠/(Plate 27. A. Bronze sand-basins and wooden tubs. B. Standing and hooking flower baskets.)
book title 日本の花の芸術(生花):日本の花と生花の芸術の改訂第2版(美しい日本のいけばな)
author コンダー(コンドル)/(Conder, Josiah, 1852-1920)
year 1899
Library Number YP/17/Co
author 002174399
GID GP031038
PhotoCD no. 393