彼は彼女と彼らの眠っている赤ん坊を見ながら血涙が頬を伝って手の上にしたたり落ちた(夫婦心を異にして別離を悲しむ)/(As he watched her and their sleeping babe, scalding tears trickled down his cheeks and dropped upon his hands.)
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  • 彼は彼女と彼らの眠っている赤ん坊を見ながら血涙が頬を伝って手の上にしたたり落ちた(夫婦心を異にして別離を悲しむ)/(As he watched her and their sleeping babe, scalding tears trickled down his cheeks and dropped upon his hands.)

彼は彼女と彼らの眠っている赤ん坊を見ながら血涙が頬を伝って手の上にしたたり落ちた(夫婦心を異にして別離を悲しむ)/(As he watched her and their sleeping babe, scalding tears trickled down his cheeks and dropped upon his hands.)


caption 彼は彼女と彼らの眠っている赤ん坊を見ながら血涙が頬を伝って手の上にしたたり落ちた(夫婦心を異にして別離を悲しむ)/(As he watched her and their sleeping babe, scalding tears trickled down his cheeks and dropped upon his hands.)
book title 忠義浪人:歴史物語
author タメナガ シュンスイ ( 為永 春水 )/(Tamenaga, Shunsui, 1790-1843)
year 1880
Library Number PL/798/Ta
author 002709905
GID GP046030
PhotoCD no. 399