ペニャス湾でマダラフルマカモメを捕らえる/(Catching cape-pigeons in the Gulf of Penas.)
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  • ペニャス湾でマダラフルマカモメを捕らえる/(Catching cape-pigeons in the Gulf of Penas.)

ペニャス湾でマダラフルマカモメを捕らえる/(Catching cape-pigeons in the Gulf of Penas.)


caption ペニャス湾でマダラフルマカモメを捕らえる/(Catching cape-pigeons in the Gulf of Penas.)
book title 「サンビーム号」での旅:11ヵ月間の海上での私達の家
author ブラッシー/(Brassey, Annie Allnutt, 1839-1887)
year 1878
Library Number G/440/Br
author 002757029
GID GR019045
PhotoCD no. 415