芝の寺院と霊廟(増上寺).二天門.7代,9代将軍霊廟.同墓所.6代,12代,14代将軍霊廟.同墓所.三門.五百羅漢堂.方丈.増上寺.護国殿.天英院(崇源院霊牌所).2代将軍霊廟.八角堂.安国殿.丸山.五重塔.弁天堂(弁天池).紅葉館/(Temples and tombs of Shiba. Ni-ten Mon. Temple of 7th and 9th Shoguns. Tombs ... Temple of 6th, 12th and 14th Shoguns. Tombs ... Sammon. Shrine of Five handred Rakan. Priests' apartments. Zojoji. Gokoku-den. Ten-ei-in. Temple of 2nd Shogun. Hakkaku-do ...)
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  • 芝の寺院と霊廟(増上寺).二天門.7代,9代将軍霊廟.同墓所.6代,12代,14代将軍霊廟.同墓所.三門.五百羅漢堂.方丈.増上寺.護国殿.天英院(崇源院霊牌所).2代将軍霊廟.八角堂.安国殿.丸山.五重塔.弁天堂(弁天池).紅葉館/(Temples and tombs of Shiba. Ni-ten Mon. Temple of 7th and 9th Shoguns. Tombs ... Temple of 6th, 12th and 14th Shoguns. Tombs ... Sammon. Shrine of Five handred Rakan. Priests' apartments. Zojoji. Gokoku-den. Ten-ei-in. Temple of 2nd Shogun. Hakkaku-do ...)

芝の寺院と霊廟(増上寺).二天門.7代,9代将軍霊廟.同墓所.6代,12代,14代将軍霊廟.同墓所.三門.五百羅漢堂.方丈.増上寺.護国殿.天英院(崇源院霊牌所).2代将軍霊廟.八角堂.安国殿.丸山.五重塔.弁天堂(弁天池).紅葉館/(Temples and tombs of Shiba. Ni-ten Mon. Temple of 7th and 9th Shoguns. Tombs ... Temple of 6th, 12th and 14th Shoguns. Tombs ... Sammon. Shrine of Five handred Rakan. Priests' apartments. Zojoji. Gokoku-den. Ten-ei-in. Temple of 2nd Shogun. Hakkaku-do ...)


caption 芝の寺院と霊廟(増上寺).二天門.7代,9代将軍霊廟.同墓所.6代,12代,14代将軍霊廟.同墓所.三門.五百羅漢堂.方丈.増上寺.護国殿.天英院(崇源院霊牌所).2代将軍霊廟.八角堂.安国殿.丸山.五重塔.弁天堂(弁天池).紅葉館/(Temples and tombs of Shiba. Ni-ten Mon. Temple of 7th and 9th Shoguns. Tombs ... Temple of 6th, 12th and 14th Shoguns. Tombs ... Sammon. Shrine of Five handred Rakan. Priests' apartments. Zojoji. Gokoku-den. Ten-ei-in. Temple of 2nd Shogun. Hakkaku-do ...)
book title 日本での旅行者の手引(日本旅行案内)
author チェンバレン(チェンバリン/チェンバルン)/(Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 1850-1935)
year [1899]
Library Number DS/805/Ch
author 002884021
GID GT003024
PhotoCD no. 421