鳥居.左は純粋の神道の,右は両部神道の鳥居の形を描いている/(Torii. The left-hand illustration gives the Pure Shinto, that on the right hand the Ryobu Shinto form of this structure.)
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  • 鳥居.左は純粋の神道の,右は両部神道の鳥居の形を描いている/(Torii. The left-hand illustration gives the Pure Shinto, that on the right hand the Ryobu Shinto form of this structure.)

鳥居.左は純粋の神道の,右は両部神道の鳥居の形を描いている/(Torii. The left-hand illustration gives the Pure Shinto, that on the right hand the Ryobu Shinto form of this structure.)
