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- 岡野包秀.彼は武士の経歴によって伴われたのではないにもかかわらず卓越した技術で武器を扱い夜襲の時その豪胆さをしのぐものは誰もいなかった/(Okano Kanehide. Thouth he was not brought up for the military career he wielded his weapon with marvellous skill and on the night of the attack, there was none who surpassed him in valour.)
岡野包秀.彼は武士の経歴によって伴われたのではないにもかかわらず卓越した技術で武器を扱い夜襲の時その豪胆さをしのぐものは誰もいなかった/(Okano Kanehide. Thouth he was not brought up for the military career he wielded his weapon with marvellous skill and on the night of the attack, there was none who surpassed him in valour.)
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caption | : | 岡野包秀.彼は武士の経歴によって伴われたのではないにもかかわらず卓越した技術で武器を扱い夜襲の時その豪胆さをしのぐものは誰もいなかった/(Okano Kanehide. Thouth he was not brought up for the military career he wielded his weapon with marvellous skill and on the night of the attack, there was none who surpassed him in valour.) |
note | : | |
book title | : | 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵) |
author | : | ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro) |
year | : | [1893] |
Library Number | : | DS/873/Mi |
author | : | 002193076 |
GID | : | GT021013 |
PhotoCD no. | : | 422 |