小野寺秀和.浅野の重臣の一人.老齢にもかかわらず彼は非常に機敏なので一族の若者でさえついていくことができなかった.彼は詩作にとても巧みであった/(Onodera Hidekazu. He was one of the chief subjects of Asano. In spite of his old age he was so agile that even young men in the clan could not possibly keep up with him. He was very clever at making poetry.)
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  • 小野寺秀和.浅野の重臣の一人.老齢にもかかわらず彼は非常に機敏なので一族の若者でさえついていくことができなかった.彼は詩作にとても巧みであった/(Onodera Hidekazu. He was one of the chief subjects of Asano. In spite of his old age he was so agile that even young men in the clan could not possibly keep up with him. He was very clever at making poetry.)

小野寺秀和.浅野の重臣の一人.老齢にもかかわらず彼は非常に機敏なので一族の若者でさえついていくことができなかった.彼は詩作にとても巧みであった/(Onodera Hidekazu. He was one of the chief subjects of Asano. In spite of his old age he was so agile that even young men in the clan could not possibly keep up with him. He was very clever at making poetry.)


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caption 小野寺秀和.浅野の重臣の一人.老齢にもかかわらず彼は非常に機敏なので一族の若者でさえついていくことができなかった.彼は詩作にとても巧みであった/(Onodera Hidekazu. He was one of the chief subjects of Asano. In spite of his old age he was so agile that even young men in the clan could not possibly keep up with him. He was very clever at making poetry.)
book title 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵)
author ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro)
year [1893]
Library Number DS/873/Mi
author 002193076
GID GT021032
PhotoCD no. 422