奈良の宝庫に保存されている奇妙な燭台.燭台の構造は詳細Aによってと同様に,鼠の体の中と鼠の乗っている軸上部に示される.この燭台はおよそ高さ2フィートである/(Curious lamp, preserved in the Nara treasury. The construction of the lamp is indicated in the rat's body and in the upper part of the stem on which the rat rests, as well as by the detail, A. The lamp is about two feet in height.)

奈良の宝庫に保存されている奇妙な燭台.燭台の構造は詳細Aによってと同様に,鼠の体の中と鼠の乗っている軸上部に示される.この燭台はおよそ高さ2フィートである/(Curious lamp, preserved in the Nara treasury. The construction of the lamp is indicated in the rat's body and in the upper part of the stem on which the rat rests, as well as by the detail, A. The lamp is about two feet in height.)

caption 奈良の宝庫に保存されている奇妙な燭台.燭台の構造は詳細Aによってと同様に,鼠の体の中と鼠の乗っている軸上部に示される.この燭台はおよそ高さ2フィートである/(Curious lamp, preserved in the Nara treasury. The construction of the lamp is indicated in the rat's body and in the upper part of the stem on which the rat rests, as well as by the detail, A. The lamp is about two feet in height.)
book title 日本:その建築,美術,工芸
author ドレッサー/(Dresser, Christopher, 1834-1904)
year 1882
Library Number NK/1071/Dr
author 000121327
GID GB015016
PhotoCD no.