故有栖川宮殿下,参謀総長,中国との戦争の間に死亡/(H. I. H. the Late Prince Arisugawa, chief of the general staff. Died during the war with China)

故有栖川宮殿下,参謀総長,中国との戦争の間に死亡/(H. I. H. the Late Prince Arisugawa, chief of the general staff. Died during the war with China)

caption 故有栖川宮殿下,参謀総長,中国との戦争の間に死亡/(H. I. H. the Late Prince Arisugawa, chief of the general staff. Died during the war with China)
book title 日本−変遷の中で
author ランサム/(Ransome, Stafford, 1860-1931)
year 1899
Library Number DS/882/Ra
author 000188987
GID GC041039
PhotoCD no. 300048