木製の枕に綿入れの布団の間で眠る少女.彼女は芸者で,念入りに結われた髪を乱さないために木製の枕を使っている.茶の盆と煙管を渡した煙草盆に注意.上方の紙の遮蔽物の付いた箱は常夜灯である/(Girl asleep between wadded quilts with a wooden pillow. She is a geisha girl, and used the wooden head-rest so that her elaborately dressed hair may not be disarranged. Notice the tea-tray and tobacco-box with a pipe across it. The box with a paper ...)
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木製の枕に綿入れの布団の間で眠る少女.彼女は芸者で,念入りに結われた髪を乱さないために木製の枕を使っている.茶の盆と煙管を渡した煙草盆に注意.上方の紙の遮蔽物の付いた箱は常夜灯である/(Girl asleep between wadded quilts with a wooden pillow. She is a geisha girl, and used the wooden head-rest so that her elaborately dressed hair may not be disarranged. Notice the tea-tray and tobacco-box with a pipe across it. The box with a paper ...) |
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book title |
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日本の物と風景 |
author |
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ホランド(ホラント/ホーランド)/(Holland, Clive, 1866-1959) |
year |
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1908 |
Library Number |
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DS/809/Ho |
author |
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000064493 |
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GD070021 |
PhotoCD no. |
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