芸者の演奏と踊り.これはおそらく日本でもっとも庶民的な種類の余興である/(Geisha girls playing and dancing. This is perhaps the most popular kind of entertainment in Japan.)

芸者の演奏と踊り.これはおそらく日本でもっとも庶民的な種類の余興である/(Geisha girls playing and dancing. This is perhaps the most popular kind of entertainment in Japan.)

caption 芸者の演奏と踊り.これはおそらく日本でもっとも庶民的な種類の余興である/(Geisha girls playing and dancing. This is perhaps the most popular kind of entertainment in Japan.)
book title 日本の物と風景
author ホランド(ホラント/ホーランド)/(Holland, Clive, 1866-1959)
year 1908
Library Number DS/809/Ho
author 000064493
GID GD070028
PhotoCD no.