花嫁の調度.手懸,引渡,錫子,貝桶,御厨子,黒棚,衣装掛け.錫子,(解説なし,酒樽,銚子.銚子提,長柄銚子,小角,蛤).熨斗と鯛/(Two horses to hang clothes upon. The Mizoesi. The Koerodana. Two boxes with shells. The Fikiwatashi. The Tekake. The Sousous. Sousous. Five bunches of Nosi. Two Bream.)

花嫁の調度.手懸,引渡,錫子,貝桶,御厨子,黒棚,衣装掛け.錫子,(解説なし,酒樽,銚子.銚子提,長柄銚子,小角,蛤).熨斗と鯛/(Two horses to hang clothes upon. The Mizoesi. The Koerodana. Two boxes with shells. The Fikiwatashi. The Tekake. The Sousous. Sousous. Five bunches of Nosi. Two Bream.)

caption 花嫁の調度.手懸,引渡,錫子,貝桶,御厨子,黒棚,衣装掛け.錫子,(解説なし,酒樽,銚子.銚子提,長柄銚子,小角,蛤).熨斗と鯛/(Two horses to hang clothes upon. The Mizoesi. The Koerodana. Two boxes with shells. The Fikiwatashi. The Tekake. The Sousous. Sousous. Five bunches of Nosi. Two Bream.)
book title 図解日本(日本風俗図誌)
author ティチング(ティツィング/チチング)/(Titsingh, Isaac, 1744-1812)
year 1822
Library Number DS/809/Ti
author 000141887
GID GE009009
PhotoCD no. C016006