婚礼のための部屋の飾付けと調度.花嫁の両親が花婿をもてなす部屋/(Apartment prepared for the Wedding. Adjoining Room. Apartment in which the Bride's parents entertain the Bridegroom.)

婚礼のための部屋の飾付けと調度.花嫁の両親が花婿をもてなす部屋/(Apartment prepared for the Wedding. Adjoining Room. Apartment in which the Bride's parents entertain the Bridegroom.)

caption 婚礼のための部屋の飾付けと調度.花嫁の両親が花婿をもてなす部屋/(Apartment prepared for the Wedding. Adjoining Room. Apartment in which the Bride's parents entertain the Bridegroom.)
book title 図解日本(日本風俗図誌)
author ティチング(ティツィング/チチング)/(Titsingh, Isaac, 1744-1812)
year 1822
Library Number DS/809/Ti
author 000141887
GID GE009011
PhotoCD no. C016008