書棚,黒棚,御厨子,綿.紙の折り畳み方,白い綸子,金包.島台「高砂」と押台「蓬莱」/(Siodana. Koerodana. Mizousi. Parcels of silk Wadding. Different ways of folding paper. 5 pieces of white Palangs. 3 packets of Money. The Simaday Taka Sago, The Osiday Forai, Emblems of long life.)

書棚,黒棚,御厨子,綿.紙の折り畳み方,白い綸子,金包.島台「高砂」と押台「蓬莱」/(Siodana. Koerodana. Mizousi. Parcels of silk Wadding. Different ways of folding paper. 5 pieces of white Palangs. 3 packets of Money. The Simaday Taka Sago, The Osiday Forai, Emblems of long life.)

caption 書棚,黒棚,御厨子,綿.紙の折り畳み方,白い綸子,金包.島台「高砂」と押台「蓬莱」/(Siodana. Koerodana. Mizousi. Parcels of silk Wadding. Different ways of folding paper. 5 pieces of white Palangs. 3 packets of Money. The Simaday Taka Sago, The Osiday Forai, Emblems of long life.)
book title 図解日本(日本風俗図誌)
author ティチング(ティツィング/チチング)/(Titsingh, Isaac, 1744-1812)
year 1822
Library Number DS/809/Ti
author 000141887
GID GE009012
PhotoCD no. C016009