バールの古代宝物の聖骨箱<13世紀,バジレウスキー侯爵収集品>/(Reliquary of the ancient treasures of Basle. (Thirteenth Century. Collection of Count Basilewski.))

バールの古代宝物の聖骨箱<13世紀,バジレウスキー侯爵収集品>/(Reliquary of the ancient treasures of Basle. (Thirteenth Century. Collection of Count Basilewski.))

caption バールの古代宝物の聖骨箱<13世紀,バジレウスキー侯爵収集品>/(Reliquary of the ancient treasures of Basle. (Thirteenth Century. Collection of Count Basilewski.))
book title 工芸の傑作
author ビュルティ/(Burty, Philippe, 1830-1890)
year [1869]
Library Number NK/1105/Bu
author 000159574
GID GG040132
PhotoCD no.