芝の寺院(平面図).秀忠廟<2代将軍>.同墓<八角堂>.家宣,家慶,家茂廟<6,12,14代将軍>.同墓.家継,家重廟<7,9代将軍>.同墓.2,6,11,13代将軍の配偶者の廟.清揚院<6代将軍の父>.ゴコクデン(護国殿?).アンコクデン安国殿 .../(Shiba Temples. Mortuary Chapel of Hidetada (2nd Sh.). Tomb of ditto (Hak-kaku-do). Iyenobu, Iyeyoshi and Iyemochi (6th, 12th, 14th Sh.). Iyetsugu and Iyeshige (7th, 9th Sh.). consorts of the 2nd, 6th, 11th and 13th Sh. Sei-yo-In (father of the 6th Sh. ...)
caption |
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芝の寺院(平面図).秀忠廟<2代将軍>.同墓<八角堂>.家宣,家慶,家茂廟<6,12,14代将軍>.同墓.家継,家重廟<7,9代将軍>.同墓.2,6,11,13代将軍の配偶者の廟.清揚院<6代将軍の父>.ゴコクデン(護国殿?).アンコクデン安国殿 .../(Shiba Temples. Mortuary Chapel of Hidetada (2nd Sh.). Tomb of ditto (Hak-kaku-do). Iyenobu, Iyeyoshi and Iyemochi (6th, 12th, 14th Sh.). Iyetsugu and Iyeshige (7th, 9th Sh.). consorts of the 2nd, 6th, 11th and 13th Sh. Sei-yo-In (father of the 6th Sh. ...) |
note |
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book title |
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中央と北部日本の旅行者のための案内書:本州でもっとも興味深い部分である東京,京都,大阪,函館,長崎やほかの都市の案内書,主要な山々に登ること,寺院の解説,歴史的な手記と伝説 |
author |
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サトー(サトウ)/(Satow, Ernest Mason, Sir, 1843-1929) |
year |
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1884 |
Library Number |
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DS/805/Sa |
author |
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000132977 |
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GH041004 |
PhotoCD no. |
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24057 |