泡立つ海と破壊者(寄浪引浪).漫画2(北斎漫画2編)の1枚より.縮小/(Plate 3. Foam and Breakers. From a print in Mangwa II. Reduced.)

泡立つ海と破壊者(寄浪引浪).漫画2(北斎漫画2編)の1枚より.縮小/(Plate 3. Foam and Breakers. From a print in Mangwa II. Reduced.)

caption 泡立つ海と破壊者(寄浪引浪).漫画2(北斎漫画2編)の1枚より.縮小/(Plate 3. Foam and Breakers. From a print in Mangwa II. Reduced.)
book title 北斎
author ホームズ(ホームス/ホルムス)/(Holmes, C. J. (Charles John), 1868-1936)
year 1900
Library Number ND/1059/Ho
author 000292805
GID GI006007
PhotoCD no. 57028