一瞬彼女は海面すれすれに飛んでいき,次の瞬間彼女の小さな足は高い松の木の一番上の枝に触れていた/(At one moment she skimmed the surface of the sea, the next her tiny feet touched the topmost branches of the tall pine trees.)

一瞬彼女は海面すれすれに飛んでいき,次の瞬間彼女の小さな足は高い松の木の一番上の枝に触れていた/(At one moment she skimmed the surface of the sea, the next her tiny feet touched the topmost branches of the tall pine trees.)

caption 一瞬彼女は海面すれすれに飛んでいき,次の瞬間彼女の小さな足は高い松の木の一番上の枝に触れていた/(At one moment she skimmed the surface of the sea, the next her tiny feet touched the topmost branches of the tall pine trees.)
book title 古風な日本:神々の国の伝説
author リンダー/(Rinder, Frank)
year 1895
Library Number PL/774/Ri
author 000066613
GID GI021026
PhotoCD no. 75083