藤原時代の宮廷婦人.彼女の髪は中央で分けられ肩を越えて投げかけられている.彼女の眉は描かれ濃くされる.彼女の服は12層もの絹と錦から成り広い袖と長い裳裾がある(十二単).絵を描いて飾った白い絹からなる彼女のスカート(裳)は長いリボン(紐)によって .../(A court lady of the Fujiwara period. Her hair is parted in the middle, and thrown over her shoulder. Her eyebrows and painted over and thickened. Her dress, which consists of no less than twelve layers of silk and brocade, has wide sleeves and a long ...)

藤原時代の宮廷婦人.彼女の髪は中央で分けられ肩を越えて投げかけられている.彼女の眉は描かれ濃くされる.彼女の服は12層もの絹と錦から成り広い袖と長い裳裾がある(十二単).絵を描いて飾った白い絹からなる彼女のスカート(裳)は長いリボン(紐)によって .../(A court lady of the Fujiwara period. Her hair is parted in the middle, and thrown over her shoulder. Her eyebrows and painted over and thickened. Her dress, which consists of no less than twelve layers of silk and brocade, has wide sleeves and a long ...)

caption 藤原時代の宮廷婦人.彼女の髪は中央で分けられ肩を越えて投げかけられている.彼女の眉は描かれ濃くされる.彼女の服は12層もの絹と錦から成り広い袖と長い裳裾がある(十二単).絵を描いて飾った白い絹からなる彼女のスカート(裳)は長いリボン(紐)によって .../(A court lady of the Fujiwara period. Her hair is parted in the middle, and thrown over her shoulder. Her eyebrows and painted over and thickened. Her dress, which consists of no less than twelve layers of silk and brocade, has wide sleeves and a long ...)
book title 維新前の日本の衣服
author オガワ カズマサ ( 小川 一眞 )/(Ogawa, Kazumasa, 1860-1929)
year [1895]
Library Number YP/3/Og
author 000020628
GID GJ008008
PhotoCD no. 92078