二人の婦人.彼女たちは徳川時代後期<1800-1867年>に属する.年上の方はその髪を徳川の紋章である葵すなわち立葵を連想させるいわゆる葵づと(葵たぼ)に結っている.彼女の眉は結婚した女性の規則として剃られる.彼女は後ろに引きずる長い衣を着る .../(Two ladies. They belong to the later Tokugawa period (1800-1867). The elder has her hair dressed in what is called the Aoi-dsuto, suggestive of the aoi, or hollyhock, the crest of the Tokugawas. Her eyebrows are shaven, as was the rule with married ...)

二人の婦人.彼女たちは徳川時代後期<1800-1867年>に属する.年上の方はその髪を徳川の紋章である葵すなわち立葵を連想させるいわゆる葵づと(葵たぼ)に結っている.彼女の眉は結婚した女性の規則として剃られる.彼女は後ろに引きずる長い衣を着る .../(Two ladies. They belong to the later Tokugawa period (1800-1867). The elder has her hair dressed in what is called the Aoi-dsuto, suggestive of the aoi, or hollyhock, the crest of the Tokugawas. Her eyebrows are shaven, as was the rule with married ...)

caption 二人の婦人.彼女たちは徳川時代後期<1800-1867年>に属する.年上の方はその髪を徳川の紋章である葵すなわち立葵を連想させるいわゆる葵づと(葵たぼ)に結っている.彼女の眉は結婚した女性の規則として剃られる.彼女は後ろに引きずる長い衣を着る .../(Two ladies. They belong to the later Tokugawa period (1800-1867). The elder has her hair dressed in what is called the Aoi-dsuto, suggestive of the aoi, or hollyhock, the crest of the Tokugawas. Her eyebrows are shaven, as was the rule with married ...)
book title 維新前の日本の衣服
author オガワ カズマサ ( 小川 一眞 )/(Ogawa, Kazumasa, 1860-1929)
year [1895]
Library Number YP/3/Og
author 000020628
GID GJ008018
PhotoCD no. 92088