”隅田川”の光景.隅田川は特に魅力のある風景がないにも関わらず,東京の住民に大事にされている.しかしそこは四季を通して魅力がある:春,何マイルもの間の土手の桜の花が数千の楽しみを求める人たちを花見のための戸外の遠足に引き寄せる;夏,人々は舟で .../(Scene on the "Sumida" river. The Sumida has been made much of by the citizens of Tokyo, in spite of there being no particularly attractive scenery. It has, however, attractions in all seasons: in Spring, the cherry blossoming along many miles of the ...)

”隅田川”の光景.隅田川は特に魅力のある風景がないにも関わらず,東京の住民に大事にされている.しかしそこは四季を通して魅力がある:春,何マイルもの間の土手の桜の花が数千の楽しみを求める人たちを花見のための戸外の遠足に引き寄せる;夏,人々は舟で .../(Scene on the "Sumida" river. The Sumida has been made much of by the citizens of Tokyo, in spite of there being no particularly attractive scenery. It has, however, attractions in all seasons: in Spring, the cherry blossoming along many miles of the ...)

caption ”隅田川”の光景.隅田川は特に魅力のある風景がないにも関わらず,東京の住民に大事にされている.しかしそこは四季を通して魅力がある:春,何マイルもの間の土手の桜の花が数千の楽しみを求める人たちを花見のための戸外の遠足に引き寄せる;夏,人々は舟で .../(Scene on the "Sumida" river. The Sumida has been made much of by the citizens of Tokyo, in spite of there being no particularly attractive scenery. It has, however, attractions in all seasons: in Spring, the cherry blossoming along many miles of the ...)
book title 日本生活の図絵
author タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
year 1896
Library Number YP/16/Ta
author 000043117
GID GL001025
PhotoCD no. C024007