繭からの絹糸の2通りの巻き取り.雌の蚕蛾はピン先くらいの大きさの卵を蚕紙の上にとてもたくさん産む.それはとても多いので蚕紙で売買される.幼虫はとても虚弱なので熟蚕になるまで細かく刻んだ桑の葉を餌に与える.そしておよそ8週間目の終わりに繭を作り .../(2 reeling the silk from the cocoons. The female silk-worm moths lay their eggs, about the size of a pin's head, in great numbers on cards, which are bought and sold for so much a card. The young worms being very delicate are fed with finely chopped ...)

繭からの絹糸の2通りの巻き取り.雌の蚕蛾はピン先くらいの大きさの卵を蚕紙の上にとてもたくさん産む.それはとても多いので蚕紙で売買される.幼虫はとても虚弱なので熟蚕になるまで細かく刻んだ桑の葉を餌に与える.そしておよそ8週間目の終わりに繭を作り .../(2 reeling the silk from the cocoons. The female silk-worm moths lay their eggs, about the size of a pin's head, in great numbers on cards, which are bought and sold for so much a card. The young worms being very delicate are fed with finely chopped ...)

caption 繭からの絹糸の2通りの巻き取り.雌の蚕蛾はピン先くらいの大きさの卵を蚕紙の上にとてもたくさん産む.それはとても多いので蚕紙で売買される.幼虫はとても虚弱なので熟蚕になるまで細かく刻んだ桑の葉を餌に与える.そしておよそ8週間目の終わりに繭を作り .../(2 reeling the silk from the cocoons. The female silk-worm moths lay their eggs, about the size of a pin's head, in great numbers on cards, which are bought and sold for so much a card. The young worms being very delicate are fed with finely chopped ...)
book title 日本生活の図絵
author タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
year 1896
Library Number YP/16/Ta
author 000043117
GID GL001035
PhotoCD no. C024017